It’s about time for me to start cleaning out my house.
During the winter and fall I hoard a lot of unnecessary junk that I don’t need.
I mainly just keep a lot of items in my house because I don’t feel like going outside to my garage to put it in my trash pile. During the winter it gets really cold here so I try not to go outside unless I really need to. During the winter, I also have my furnace up to stay as warm as I can. Some days I feel like I am always cold. However now that it is spring I am able to clean out a lot of crap in my house. Just this past weekend I went and took all of those unnecessary items to my garage. The weather was beautiful that weekend. I was able to get some of the dead flowers out of my garden. Plus my house looks much cleaner in the outside as well as the inside. After that weekend the weather started to get to temperatures that were similar to winter. I was a little upset about this because I had to turn my thermostat back on to heat my house. I was very content with not having to waste more money and energy on heating my home. The weekend where I was able to clean my home and turn my thermostat off, I felt like I was saving quite a bit of money. The spring here can get a little chilly at times but I figured since we had a mild winter that that weekend I would be able to turn my heater off for the season.