I have this tree that sits right over my central heating and air conditioning system unit and it has been a real bother.
It keeps shedding and risking getting inside the central heating and air conditioning system.
I decided to have the thing cut down! Without the tree there my heating and cooling unit will be a lot better off all together. I had thought about calling the local heating and air conditioning company to come out and move the central heat and a/c unit, but I figured that would potentially cost way too much money verses just having a landscape company cut down the tree. Now that I have the tree cut down I plan on buying a tarp for the central heating and cooling unit. A tarp seems to be the biggest thing right now with a lot of people buying them to protect their central heating and air conditioning units. It can protect from things like the tree I just had cut down, the leaves that gather around the heating and air conditioning system unit in the fall and then also it can protect your heating and air conditioning system against the storms like hail and such things like that. But I am glad that I finally had this tree that was a major pain in the rear cut down and now I will no longer have to worry about it possibly messing up my central heating and air conditioning system.
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