HVAC provider came out for free

It doesn’t seem like there is anything free in the world anymore.

Sometimes you can come across some free things, but they are usually of low quality.

It is hard to find good quality items and service for free, but sometimes, you can be pleasantly surprised. Just recently a local heating and air conditioning company surprised me and did just that. They advertised for today only, free HVAC repair. Now that was a legendary offer, and I knew there were going to be quite a few people that were going to take advantage of that offer. I called and asked if they did A/C maintenance, and they agreed to do HVAC maintenance for free as well. I jumped for joy, and waited for the cooling tech to arrive. When the cooling specialist arrived, he did a quick and efficient job of checking the heating and air conditioning system, and he confirmed the machine looked great. We talked for a few minutes, and he told me that he still has 7 more appointments to get to, and how it was going to be a very busy day. I could only imagine that. I am glad that I am not a cooling repairman working at the company right now, but at the same time, I am very thankful for their service. Now I can rest assured that my air conditioner and heating unit are covered for the rest of the summer and winter seasons, and it was all for free, can you believe it.

heater maintenance