I burnt my hand on my propane space heater

There is nothing like sleeping in a cold basement. I have been living with a friend for about a year now, and I am really thankful that she has let me live with her rent free so that I can save up to build my own home. I have about one more year of saving to do before I will be able to start building my home, and she told me that I am welcome to stay with her as long as I need to. She has a finished basement that has its own little kitchen, so I basically have an apartment to myself. The only thing that I do not like about living in the basement is that it gets quite cold down there during the winter months. I have tried using some electric space heaters to give the space some more heat, but they seemed to hardly do anything. I sold both of my electric space heaters and decided to buy a propane space heater instead. It is an awesome little heater. It is smaller than the electric space heater, and it heats more space by itself than both of my electric space heaters did together. The only thing that I do not like about my new heater is that it gets really hot on the outside. I found out the hard way that it can burn your hand quite severely. I got second degree burns on my hand form the space heater, and I have since learned that I cannot move the space heater around the apartment. It has to stay in one place. Hopefully, I will not burn myself again.

boiler installation