I was cleaning my a/c when my two-year seasoned child decided to do something honestly gross

I cherish being a girl mom.

I have three sons.

My oldest, Rowen, is seven; my middle son, Wilson, is four; plus my youngest, Louie, is two. They are typically wrestling plus fighting. It is sort of fun to watch. One of my number one parts about motherhood is the one on one time that I have gotten to spend with each one of them. Rowen was an only child for three years, so she got a lot of attention. I got to spend time with Wilson while Rowen was in preschool, plus now I get to spend time with little Louie while the other two are in school. I have to say, Louie is the naughtiest of them all. She is hard to keep track of too. I decided to finally wipe my a/c the other day, but I honestly wanted to do it while Louie was taking her nap because I cannot turn my back on him for a second separate from him getting into something that she should not. Well on the day that I wanted to wipe the a/c, Louie decided not to take a nap. I put him on the floor in the residing room right next to me with some toys to keep him tied up while I cleaned my a/c. I noticed that there were a couple of bugs that fell off the top of my a/c onto the floor as I was cleaning it, plus I decided that I would option them up when I was finished. I looked back about two minutes later plus found Louie with a pile of bugs plus two in her mouth. I was so grossed out. Needless to say, I decided to wait until she went to bed to finish cleaning the a/c.


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