I love the unique charm of my older home. It features the original hardwood floors, moldings, doors and banisters. The giant windows allow in a wonderful deal of daylight and offer a attractive view however also leak air. The high ceilings trap heat and cause temperature stratification. The HVAC duct was designed before several renovations were completed. The layout of the supply and return vents doesn’t accommodate the current floorplan properly! For several years, we struggled with the upstairs dining rooms feeling warm and sticky and the kitchen feeling cold. With a single control unit, there was no way to target particular rooms. I looked into updating to zone control, however the HVAC duct couldn’t support it. There was no way my spouse and I were willing to destroy the architectural integrity of our condo by cutting down walls and ceilings and installing a whole current duct system. I finally got tired of using window air conditioner systems, box fans and portable electric heaters to compensate. I did some research and discovered ductless heat pumps. This provided the ideal solution, however a ductless system consists of an outdoor compressor that affixs by way of a slender conduit to several indoor air handlers. The upgrade required little more than a three-inch hole in an exterior wall and created no mess or disruption. The air handlers are lightweight, compact and mounted up high on the wall, They operate quietly and supply both heating and cooling. Because each air handler features an independent control unit, we’re able to customize the temperature in each individual room. The ductless system allows zone control, provides energy efficient performance and has significantly improved the comfort of the home.