There is something lovely about getting new things. It is the feeling of being fresh. When you get new things it makes you feel fresh plus wipe like a new start. This is exactly how I felt when I installed my new ductless mini split system. I cannot even begin to tell you how much I love this new system. If you have not looked into the Heating plus Air Conditioning system I highly request you do… Before my buddy and I had the ductless mini split system my buddy and I had a central air system. This system had to have air ducts running along the inside of our walls. They got taken out when my buddy and I gained this brand new ductless system. It has been running great. It has even managed to lower our energy bills every month. I suppose it is because it is a brand new system. It operates more efficiently. That is why our energy bills have dropped. With having this new ductless mini split my buddy and I have even been fortunate enough to have zone control within our house. My friend and I can heat or cool odd areas of the household to odd temperatures. This also helps us save money because my buddy and I are not using as much heating or cooling. My friend and I do not bother to heat or cool rooms my buddy and I are not often in. Mostly just the ones my buddy and I use a lot plus our bedrooms at evening. This new ductless mini split system has been a lovely addition to our house. If you are looking for a new Heating plus Air Conditioning system to install, I would highly command a ductless mini split.