Learning how to adult by changing an HVAC air filter

I learned very quickly living on my own.

I learned how to take care of myself and a sense of responsibility.

I tried my absolute hardest to do everything on my own. However, one day I did not know what to do. I had to call someone for help. I experienced my first real big problem with my HVAC system. I could not get it to work for the life of me. I tried turning it off and back on. I tried moving the temperature up and down to get it to do something. None of those things worked. I had to call an HVAC repairman. He came over to my house to help me. He found that the problem was within my air filter. It was too clogged. I needed it to be replaced. He had asked me if I had it replaced recently and I told him no. I had no idea I needed to replace the air filter on my own. In fact, I was not even sure I knew that there was an air filter. During this time, I think he felt so bad for me. He showed me how to change the air filter on my own. He did this to prevent this situation from happening again. He even had me practice with him there. I think this is part of adulting. Learning how to be responsible for more things within your home. I think that I feel like a true adult having to do everything on my own now. I wonder what I am going to learn about next.

furnace/heater service