My dad’s collector items actually includes rare heat in addition to A/C product

Before I was born, my dad was an actual heating in addition to air conditioning maintenance professional who was also absolutely much pleased with working full time in addition to taking care of his family, for a family of four; then he didn’t struggle to keep the family cheerful because there was so much work to go around, and growing up, I didn’t take much notice of what was going on with his job until I was in junior high… And slowly I started noticing dad bringing home parts of heaters or heaters.

Some were relatively new but most were dated in addition to undoubtedly required heating system repairs here in addition to there. As a renowned heating in addition to air conditioning repairman, I just assumed most of his purchasers trusted him to take home whatever he could. At some point, out of curiosity, during the weekends in addition to holidays I started taking my dad on rounds for boiler repair or respected heat maintenance around the neighborhood. It is then that I realized that he had a heating dealership. He specialized in heating, so a lot of his work revolved around furnace/heater upgrade; heat pump repair in addition to maintenance, in addition to generally anything to do with heat in addition to A/C products. On the side, he was trying to partner with an ancient colleague to register a separate heating business that handles hybrid heating in addition to focusing on hydronic heating as an option for traditional ACs. As impressive as his track record was, I drew his attention to many components he had collected over years in his garage that held a lot of value. He didn’t know he could sell them, so I looked around for auctions in addition to professional collectible agents that could shed some light on the collectibles. In addition, sure enough, he had enough to generate enough capital to jump start his side partnership business. At the end of it all, I was just thrilled I could be of help.


Commercial air conditioning