My husband found out that he has talents in the HVAC world.
- He had never even tried to work on a furnace before this, but last week, he fixed our furnace.
I have an amazing husband who works harder than any man that I know. He does a great job at providing for and caring for his family. I really hope that my sons grow up someday to be just as wonderful as their father. He can fix just about anything that he puts his mind to. Our furnace was giving us trouble for a few weeks, and even though we tried getting ahold of an HVAC company, we were playing phone tag with them. It was sort of annoying because we really needed our furnace fixed. My husband decided to look at it, and within a few hours, he had our furnace running again. He had to replace one part, and that was it. I was so proud of him. I was thinking about how amazing he is when I remembered that he had also fixed our air conditioner last summer. That was a little bit more of a job, but he was able to diagnose the problem and fix it on his own. Our air conditioner had been slowly blowing warmer and warmer air. We tried setting the temperature lower, but it would still blow warm air. My husband found that it was actually leaking, so he looked up a video on the internet on how to fix it, and he was able to repair it on his own.