My neighbor uses an air conditioning system in her bedroom year round

I have always had a furnace in my bedroom.

I don’t know why, but my bedroom has always been quite a bit chillier than the rest of my house.

It is no fun trying to sleep in a chilly bedroom, at least for me. I really have a difficult time falling asleep when I am cold. I have friend’s who are exactly the opposite, in addition to they really cherish it to be cold in their bedroom at night. I have no idea how they do it, but they sleep better in a chilly room. One of my friends even uses air conditioning during the winter time months. I had no idea until she asked me to house sit one week, in addition to I stayed in her bedroom. I noticed that there was an air conditioning system in the window, in addition to it was the middle of December. When she got back from her trip, I asked her if she wanted me to help her get the air conditioning system out of her window so that she would not lose heat through the window. She told me that she really uses her air conditioning system throughout the winter time months and the Summer months, then even though she has her furnace on, she loves just her bedroom to be extra chilly, so she turns on her air conditioning system. I don’t know why she just doesn’t leave the window open, despite the fact that she prefers to use her air conditioning system instead. I have to have a furnace in my bedroom, so I could not imagine using an air conditioning system in my bedroom during the winter time months. I would entirely freeze.

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