As my body tries to rid itself of the flu infection I have, I’m experiencing waves of energy.
I’ll go through periods of extreme exhaustion, followed by bursts of energy, and I’ll want to climb into bed and stay there for hours. Fortunately, I don’t have to work for 10 hours at some office job and suffer with this cold while I stare at the clock hoping for 6pm. Instead, I can write two more articles and then take a nap to recharge before doing the final 30 minutes of labor for the day. Back in the day, when I was an engineer working for this sizable Heating and Air Conditioning supplier, my desk job was manufacturing air conditioner and heating systems. I was making a lot of money, but I didn’t like spending my days in a cubicle staring at texts and writing reports even though I was making a lot of money. In spite of the fact that I’d rather let someone else do the work so I can be independent and free, heating and cooling systems are a necessity in this world. In order to pursue my careers in comedy and music, I moved abroad a few years ago, and I’ve never looked back. Even though I can’t hold on to my Dad for ever and I need to live my own life because she will pass away one day, I just miss her gas fireplace and hanging out with my friend and talking about life while I miss my dad and her. I know I will eventually learn to live without her, but that is still going to be a hard pill to swallow. You’ll succeed, I hope.