I was listening to my neighbor talking to the Heating as well as A/C dealer.
I wasn’t deliberately listening to their conversation.
My kid wanted to play on the porch as well as I wouldn’t let him outside alone. I had the porch gate locked while he was outside, as well as I sat on the rocking chair. I observed my neighbor outside with the Heating as well as A/C dealer. The tech was trying to get some labor done, however it wasn’t working. My neighbor was carrying on about how terrible the last Heating as well as A/C tech was. I was beginning to feel sorry for the tech. The way he talked to him was wrong. It was like he was blaming this guy for something someone else had done. I stood up as well as was getting ready to go over as well as admonish the man’s behavior, however his spouse came out. Thinking she was going to take her partner inside as well as let the tech complete the air conditioning system repair, I sat back down. Instead of taking him inside, she began browbeating the tech. She told him she didn’t know why they kept using his Heating as well as A/C corporation. I picked up my son, opened the gate, as well as walked over. After a deep breath, I asked the tech if he wanted to come over for a moment. Then I turned to my neighbors. I told them there were three Heating as well as A/C companies in our area, as well as I recommended they call one of them if they were so unhappy with the Heating as well as A/C tech. It wasn’t his fault someone else had made a mistake, however it was their fault for behaving so badly.