My outdated thermodynamics professor finally threw in the towel plus retired now that he is 81 years old. I thought the guy would never retire even though I assume he would had enough of teaching the abstract class at my outdated UF university. It is funny because the mascot for our university is the gator plus this thermo professor’s last name is Gater, no joke. That was the toughest engineering class that I had to take plus I still don’t absolutely know what it was all about. Calculus was bad enough, however thermo is a whole unusual level of confusion… Heating plus cooling systems is what the class was all about, dealing with refrigeration plus entropy, my associate and I even had to endure a second class of it once my associate and I survived the first class. I don’t assume I would ever use what I learned from that class in a million years plus am not sure why they gave it to us. My local company acquaintance tried taking the class plus quit engineering after failing the class three times, cooling down his plans to be an engineer like I was in The Valley in Cali. I only worked there a few years till I figured out that engineering wasn’t for me. I could still be there now, building heating plus cooling component for commercial companys plus hating every minute of it. My outdated friends there used to count down the months plus years till retirement, something which seems so crazy for me. The HVAC corporation where I toil now is much more fun than the outdated HVAC system engineering gig.