This is for sure the most favorite time of year for me.
That’s because I live in a region where the temperatures are great and there is plenty of sunshine all winter long.
We also don’t need much heating from the heat pump so it’s pretty nice when there’s about zero heating costs to deal with. However, as January moves into February each year, I have always been a bit anxious for the spring to get here. And it’s not so much because the temperatures rise and the air conditioning comes on. But it’s the fact that spring brings suffering to me in the form of allergy symptoms. Yet this year, I’m going into spring almost fearless when it comes to dealing with allergies. The reason for that is the fact that no matter what, I have a sanctuary now inside the central air conditioning of my home. This is a first for me and I think it’s going to be amazing. My allergies are so bad that I still suffer with them inside my house. But this year, I have a new tool in my tool belt when it comes to dealing with allergy symptoms. We had a whole home air purification system installed this fall. The main reason we did that was to improve the indoor air quality and improve our overall health. But we also wanted to combat the stinky air that we can get since we have a bunch of pets. This sort of air purifier is the kind actually destroys airborne contaminants of all kinds, in all of the house. That means the air purifier takes care of the pollen as well. I have to say that I’m enjoying actually looking forward to the coming spring.