I have had a major air flow issue with the central heating and a/c in our home.
The reason for this is because the home was built kind of odd in its shape and sizing.
The logical answer would be to get Heating and A/C zone control, also known as a zoned heating and a/c unit… However, those things can be quite upscale and myself and others and our family are not wealthy by any means. So what I decided to do was to buy a portable a/c and a portable space heater. I will run the portable space heating systems and portable a/cs when needed in the respective seasons plus the central heating and cooling unit. These help! It makes it so that it balances out the air flow issue in each and every room and the people I was with and I have perfect even un-even temperatures throughout the house. It cost almost nine hundred dollars to get what the people I was with and I needed, however that was a lot better than thoUSnds of dollars on a zoned heating and a/c. However if the people I was with and I had that kind of money the people I was with and I would have invested in Heating and A/C zone control. Because it does labor very well from what I experienced in a friend’s home who entirely has a zoned heating and a/c set up. But at least I have figured out the exhausting man’s version of heating as well as A/C zone control with the use of a few portable space heating systems and a few portable a/cs. I am quite ecstatic with the result. A little extra sure does go a long way, that is for sure!