Staying in a rental cottage on the lake is very weird from renting a hotel room, when you stay at a hotel, you know the maids will be coming in every single afternoon to tidy things up.
There is a particular level of debauchery that is accepted, even encouraged, in hotels as well as motels, but renting a cottage on the lake is quite different, here you are expected to clean up after yourself, as well as while you don’t have to do the dirty bedding, you are expected to put it in the washing device before you leave.
I was shocked when a occupant in one of our properties stole the window mounted air conditioner when they worked on out… Did they guess that I would not notice that the only cooling component in the cottage was gone? I called the person, outraged, but they claimed to be ignorant of the air conditioner being missing. I hung up on them, as well as went outside to inspect the window. These kinds of air conditioners hang mostly outside of the house, as well as are held in location by sturdy metal brackets. Much to our chagrin, I saw that one of the brackets had snapped off, as well as the air conditioner device had fallen out of the window as well as down an embankment. How the bracket snapped is a mystery to me, but it was somewhat of a relief to find out that the shopper had not stolen the air conditioner. This one was disfigured, but a skilled Heating as well as Air Conditioning tech was able to patch it back up as well as get it mounted in the window.