Having been born, raised and settled in this region, I’ve yet to have anything come along to entice me to move.
There have been a few job offers that got me to at least consider it.
But in the end, I chose to stay right here and continue living the life that I love so much. However, there is a four month window where I could see living elsewhere. The summer is so hot and it comes with a lot of HVAC cooling as well. I wouldn’t mind so much if I had the sort of income that allowed me to live here 8 months of the year and somewhere cooler during the summer. That got me to thinking about how it would be around here without HVAC cooling. That’s something that I really think would make me actually leave my home. The level of heat and humidity in this region during the summer would be just too much without air conditioning. While I make sure to acclimate to the rising temperatures during the spring, doing without HVAC cooling would be miserable. And it would be unhealthy as well. Part of the HVAC process includes humidity balance inside the house. The balancing of the humidity by the heat pump means that mold and mildew are mitigated. Without a warm, moisture rich atmosphere, mold doesn’t proliferate as much and stays in check. I can’t imagine just how much I’d have to getting after mildew spots in the house if I didn’t have air conditioning. But really, the HVAC cooling allows us to manage the near 100 degree heat for those four months of summer.
New heating units