My Grandpa was a heating and cooling technician when I was growing up.
He always lived right down the street from us.
We always spent a lot of time over at his house, then my Grandpa was the style of person who enjoyed to talk about his job. He also would teach us about it, however I remember that he would teach us all kinds of little tips about heating and cooling whenever we were at his house. Every now and then he even let me go to his job with him, even though I couldn’t really do anything to help him. I still felt as if I was at work though and that was fun for a young boy, but one thing I remember is that a few times a year, every one of us would constantly help Grandpa swap out his air filters. My Grandpa told us that one of the greatest problems he would see when going on Heating & A/C calls was that people had dirty air filters. They just won’t stay on top of changing in addition to cleaning their dirty in addition to clogged filters, as a result, it causes all kinds of problems with their oil furnace. Usually it breaks the limit switch. On top of that, dirty filters reduce the efficiency of the oil furnace, and when I got old enough to move out, my grandpa made sure to tell me how to change my air filters every few months. I always think of Grandpa everytime I change my filters.