I have always had issues with my kitchen in the summer time months of the year with it being too hot.
Even with the central air conditioning running it just gets too hot in there from running the oven and the stove all the time.
But recently I figured out a solution to this thanks to today’s heating and air conditioning technology. I went out and bought one of the modern portable air conditioning systems and believe me it really helped! The power of portable air conditioning systems today are not like the old swamp coolers that did little to nothing when using them. Portable air conditioning systems can cool small places like a kitchen in no time at all as if it was the same as central air conditioning. I had to sometimes remind myself that this is a portable air conditioning system and not my central heating and cooling unit providing this great a/c! I highly recommend getting a portable air conditioning system because it works really well in cooling small or even large rooms if your central heating and air conditioning system unit isn’t doing the job. I feel that portable air conditioning systems are probably one of the best forms of modern heating and cooling technology to have hit the market these days. They were the best thing to replace the very weak and horrible old swamp coolers. I am so glad this worked out for my kitchen issue. There really wasn’t anything else that could have got rid of the hot feeling that was in there.