When we bought this house, we felt like it was just so big.
Coming from the tiny apartment we had shared since we were married, our new place seemed like a palace. And in a different sense, I think it was our palace in fact. We finally had our names on a mailbox and owned the HVAC equipment. That was such a big deal for us. We were actually in a place that had great quality heating and air. The seller had just replaced the heating and cooling equipment so we had a brand new HVAC unit. We were so happy. And it wasn’t long before we started adding to our family of two. The boy came first and he’s turned out to be a good one. He’s about to be going to highschool and already has a real penchant for academic achievement. I even have to kick him out of the air conditioning for some fresh air and a break from the books. The girls are well, a hot mess frankly. They’re wonderful little women but man are they a handful. Then, we have the dogs and cats. The house just doesn’t seem so big anymore. In fact, until recently, I had a hard time just taking a minute to myself inside the quality heating and air. So believe it or not, I had the HVAC company come put a ductless heat pump inside our finished attic space and moved all the boxes out. I turned it into a cool little spot to hang out read, listen to music or just be quiet.