I had heard of washable filters before, but I had forgotten about them.
It wasn’t until my associate plus I got on the subject of HEPA filters plus other kinds of a/c filters that are sold at the weird stores plus HVAC shops.
My associate and I talked about the generic plastic entirely disappointing ones that entirely do nothing however detriment your air conditioner device plus make it work harder, all the while shortening its lifespan. Then we talked about HEPA air filters plus how those are of much better quality. My associate surprised me by mentioning he uses washable air filters, since I didn’t know he would want to go through the hassle of having to clean them; But he told me it was far more convenient to sometimes clean them plus save money rather than have to toss them out every month or so like you do with respected air filters. Well, he had a point there. It made me reconsider my own air filters, however to be legitimate I am too lazy to clean the air filters, plus I decided that I am going to stick with the filters I have, however yes, they are more pricey, but I know they get the task done plus that is the main thing that matters. But it was interesting to learn about the weird kinds of air filters plus how people have their own opinions on which one is better, plus which one works for them. One thing we can both agree on, is having high quality air filters is a fine idea.