Admiring the new heating at Charity’s house

Charity is a colleague from work.

  • One spring afternoon, we had lunch together at the office, and she told me she needed a housemate for a month as her boyfriend was traveling abroad.

They had bought a place with her partner, and since he would be away for a month, she needed someone to keep her company. The proposal excited me because, for a long time, I have wanted a vacation, specifically in the mountains. Charity and her partner bought a mountain home to escape the city. I would be visiting in winter for a month. When I was there from being in negative zero temperatures, I was welcomed by the high-quality comfort of her new heating system. She had told me about how she had to change her unit after the previous one broke down when winter was just beginning. It was the first week of winter when she woke up in a cold house. She called the heating company and was fortunate to get an appointment with the HVAC professional for later that afternoon. She had suspected the unit would break down and had made a point to learn more about heating and the heating industry. She had even identified a company with reputable heating dealers to help with indoor comfort. During the routine heater maintenance, the heating technician advised that though he had fixed the issue, his best recommendation would be to get a new unit, preferably a heat pump and a smart thermostat to go with it. The new heat pump installation took place later that afternoon. Thanks to the swift response from the heating business, I was enjoying the comfort of the new while home heating unit.

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