Embarrassed by the state of the air filters

I got embarrassed by the poor state of my air filter the other day when my Heating and Air Conditioning specialist was at my condo.

I had booked an appointment to get the air conditioning plan tuned up so that it would be all set to go for the Spring when the weather started heating up again.

Every year I try to get the cooling system tuned up at the end of the hot season because I know that I should give it a nice nap before I start using it again every day in the Spring plus the summertime. Anyway, the Heating and Air Conditioning specialist was named Ed, and is a legit nice guy plus every one of us were talking about how important respected repair is to the long-term health plus quality of your Heating and Air Conditioning system. I was agreeing with Ed about everything plus every one of us were shaking our heads together at the way that certain people just don’t take superb care of their heating plus cooling systems. But then when Ed went to pull the air filter out of my , I realized that I had not changed it in weeks plus weeks. The fact that I was sitting there with Ed as he pulled it out plus it was covered in weeks worth of dirt, dust, plus grime legit made myself and others know stupid. I stood there sheepishly plus Ed knew that I felt like a large dummy. Ed just shook his head sadly, like I had disappointed him in some way. It was legit a single 1 of the most embarrassing things that has ever happened to me, if you want to hear the truth!


a/c set up