My sibling and I are both ex-engineers from S.V.
- in Cali, you know, the place where all of the large tech companies began in the late 77’s and early 90’s.
They were paying myself and others the large bucks back then to build circuit boards for pagers, but after doing it for several years I felt that I wanted to get out of the business for good. I appreciate to solve problems and repair things, but that job ended up being a bunch of reports and meetings, so I left and never went back to it. Furnace repair and air conditioner upgrades are much more rewarding to myself and others than reports and meetings, so I got into the Heating, Ventilation, and A/C field and have been dabbling around in it for the past 20 years or so. I thought when I was going to engineering school that the jobs would be more exciting, but after getting into it I discovered that the corporate world was full of tied up out genre A personality people whom I did not want to be around. Fixing heating and cooling unit is way more fun for myself and others and today all of us are going to do just that when all of us go to mom’s home later on. Ever since leaving the corporate engineering world, I bet I have worked an average of 15 hours a week, which has given myself and others a lot more freedom than I would have had if I stayed in the engineering racket. Working on a gas furnace or unit gives you an immediate reward once you find the solution, and that is all I need to feel great nowadays.