Got healthy once the ductwork cleaning was done

Okay, so the last two years of pandemic has made me more than aware of any sort of change when it comes to my health.

Just like everybody else in the country, I hid inside the air conditioning of my home to avoid coming down with that virus.

I have some genetic health issues that really put me at a much higher risk. Before they were vaccinations, there was nothing I could do but stay inside the air conditioning in my home. My bosses were really cool about understanding that being inside the commercial HVAC of the office was not a great idea. So they kept me at home inside my own air conditioning for almost 2 years. Finally, I got back to that commercial HVAC of the office and a new normal I’m still coming to grips with. Then all the sudden I came down with a pretty bad chest cold. Of course I immediately got tested but thankfully it wasn’t covid. Still the respiratory issues stayed with me for weeks. Finally, I went to the doctor. I was expecting a prescription but got a suggestion of HVAC variety instead. The doctor wanted me to call the HVAC company and have the ductwork cleaning and ductwork resealing done. Once that was completed, I was all set to upgrade HVAC air filter to a HEPA filter. That thing removes more than 99 percent of airborne contaminants. Sure enough once I did all that I had no more problems with that chest cold. Ductwork cleaning by the HVAC professionals is going on the calendar from now on.

whole home heating