It’s not too long now before our home is all sealed up again plus the a/c is running non-stop.
Where my pal and I live, about the only time it’s suitable to have the windows open is during the winter.
The rest of the time, there is often continuous need for a/c. So my pal and I legitimately cherish to get all the fresh air inside the home while my pal and I can. It’s January now so it won’t be however a couple of months before the heat pump will be back on to give cooling comfort. And that means having the home sealed up super slender in order to maximize the efficiency of the heat pump. However, when the home is sealed up tight, the Heating plus A/C unit is really helping protect plus strengthen our respiratory health. That’s because my pal and I have a whole condo air purification system installed inside the Heating plus A/C equipment. This sort of air purification system really destroys indoor air contaminants rather than trapping plus removing them. This air purification system uses ultra violet light to really fry the DNA of all airborne contaminants. Thankfully, that means destroying pollen from the trees plus sodes. This is a particularally wonderful benefit for me as I suffer from seasonal pollen irritations. Along with pet dander, the pollen can render me almost useless during the Springtime. So having the whole condo air purification system is an added bonus for me. But air purification also provides the legitimately best indoor air quality one can find. And so I know that I’m providing the best environment possible for my family while they are inside the central a/c of our home.