Hotels and bad heating and cooling

Have you ever stayed at a hotel that had a bad heating or air conditioning system? I have a few times while traveling on business.

It is not a fun thing let me tell you that! It makes your stay truly uncomfortable.

As a matter of fact, I can remember one of the times I had to stay in a hotel that had a bad air conditioning system. What I ended up doing because it was so bad and I was there on business, was I went out to a local store and purchased a portable air conditioning system method to run in my room. I could not leave the hotel and go and find another because the supplier I work for was paying for it. But with the portable air conditioning system method I was able to get by and it was all ok. I have known others who have stayed at hotels with bad heating plus A/C systems. And they all said pretty much the same thing. Some did what I did and purchased either a portable air conditioning system method or a portable space furnace to make it have somewhat indoor comfort. I entirely think hotels need to keep on top of things in order to keep people paying to stay there happy. It can eventually give a hotel a bad name if they always have a bad heating or air conditioning system. You never know how that can affect things. So if you are a hotel management man reading this, I would seriously always make sure your heating plus A/C system is working great!

furnace/heater repair