I’ve never really worried much about taking care of myself. In terms of one’s body, that is exactly the wrong attitude to have. I don’t know why, but maybe I was just oblivious to some fairly fundamental aspects of good living. Instead, I put in way too much time at the office, where I spent more time in the office’s commercial HVAC than in my own. I put a lot of focus and effort into what I do for a living because I love it. I had to learn the hard way that there must be a balance. Simply put, you cannot spend a lifetime sweltering in a home or office that requires constant heating and cooling. The intersection of life balance, wellness, and health must be taken into account. Once I became seriously ill, I changed my ways. After pushing myself too far for too long, my body simply rebelled and I developed pneumonia. I was the sickest I’d ever been at the time. And I spent almost a month away from the office’s zone-controlled HVAC system. But during that month, I vowed to turn things around and put my health first. Surprisingly, my home’s HVAC system is assisting me in doing just that. The heating and cooling equipment is beneficial for immune function and respiratory health. To replace the cheap air filters I previously used for the HVAC equipment, I installed a HEPA filter. I now have an air filter that is purifying the air by eliminating nearly all of the contaminants in the indoor air. My respiratory health has improved noticeably, which has strengthened my immune system.