I received a telephone call from a guy that was frantic because he thought that there were rats in the air duct of his home, i got some information from the guy care about his name, telephone number, plus address.
I was the man to take the call.
I wasn’t sure if I would really be able to solve the problem. If there were rats in the air duct of his home, he was going to need to get an exterminator out there before I could do anything to help with the air duct problems. I had 1 cooling system repair that morning before I went to help the guy with the air duct problem, the cooling system repair was much easier to service than I expected, so I ended up at the next address an minute ahead of time. The guy was genuinely glad that I showed up earlier instead of later. I started checking the duct work for signs of rats or mice. It’s really easy to tell if there have been pets inside of the air duct because they leave droppings everywhere they go. I used a special camera to look through most of the air duct. The camera is on the end of a long pole that is bendy. I didn’t see any evidence of pets in the air duct plus that includes rats plus mice. I did see more than one yellow army guys in the air duct. They were right above the area where the guy said he heard the noise. I suspected they might have been rattling around. I didn’t charge the guy a luck for the information or the retrieval of the more than one captains.