I got some great heating and cooling comfort in my new space

I hate to even utter the words man cave. But that’s just what I have now and I love it! When I was a kid, my dad had a really cool man cave. This was well before cell phones and custom air conditioning. But his place in the basement was the best. He had a really cool bar and it was glorious. That bar was all pine and it was 25 ft long. There had to be dozens of coats of polyurethane before my dad put that wood on the bar. I was only allowed down there every now and again. I got to bring beers and sandwiches when Dad would have poker night. Perhaps that’s what started my love of a man cave. Once the kids went on to college my wife and I got a smaller place. But it had a basement so once I paid off the new HVAC equipment, I was ready to put in a man cave. And I worked at it little by little. I find a recliner at a yard sale. Or maybe there was a couch a friend was getting rid of. I bought a fridge and even put in a bar. It was not as nice as dads but it worked. Once I had all the essentials in place it was time to call the HVAC company. They came out and put it in a ductless heat pump which was the cherry on top for me. This has been the most fun I’ve had during a fall sports season in my life. And all of it is thanks to a man cave with some great residential HVAC.


cooling workman