I’ve been battling with my sore throat plus also a stuffy nose and this has been accompanied by tiredness that has lasted all morning long.
The problem comes from my allergies and that comes from pollen which was easily triggered many days ago when the wind was blowing up some pollen.
I have not traditionally been sick for years or more with allergies since doing cold water swims every morning in the sea. This has something to me that is regularly avoided seeing this genuine allergy of green pollen come from oak trees during spring months. I just regularly got some flu symptoms pills plus I’m starting to run this air purifier during the apartment all weekend I guess that these pills would easily disinfect the air. I would be genuinely nice within a morning or multiple. I also use some type of contraption that helps to rinse out all of my sinuses which was purchased from a company. It does not help as much as the indoor air purifier. My associate and also myself have gigs that are with the heating plus AC company later plus there will be some travel shows that will have to do with suppliers around town. We are also going to be traveling around the neighborhood to be doing some shows and that means that I will have to be concerned about the indoor air quality and the different types of heating plus air conditioning situations I find myself in. There could be friends that would set things up and it could be fun.