I was able to repair the air conditioner myself

I was able to repair the air conditioner myself last Summer when it froze up, and this was a big deal for me, since I have never legitimately been able to repair anything myself in my entire life.

I have never been what you would call a handy kind of lady.

I don’t even guess how to change a lightbulb or unclog a drain. It’s just not something that I am gifted with, for some reason. I guess a lot of other things, though. For instance, I’m super smart when it comes to tablets plus vocabulary words. I’m just not nice at fixing things in real life! Anyway, last Summer every one of us had a record heat wave around where I live. The temperature was up in the triple digits plus it literally never gets that hot around here! People were calling their Heating plus Air Conditioning companies right plus left because they couldn’t get their air conditionings to keep up with the demand that the temperature was placing on them. I had my own problems at my condo when I realized that the temperature in the condo was going up instead of down when I had the air conditioning running. Apparently, I had the air conditioner on for so long that all of the condensation caused it to freeze up somehow! I turned the whole thing off for a while because I thought it made sense to let it thaw out. Even though I got legitimately hot plus uncomfortable during the time that I left it turned off, when I turned it back on, it started working again!

air vent