It was towards the end of the night when our air conditioner exploded

It was towards the end of the night when our AC plan exploded, or at least it sounded enjoy an explosion; for a brief moment when observing the AC condenser unit from a distance, I saw smoke followed by a hint of a flame, even though I wasn’t particular if it unquestionably was on fire… Still, I got our fire extinguisher as well as sprayed it to make sure there was no fire as well as I immediately got on the PC with our local heating, ventilation, as well as A/C company; neighbors asked if all of us were alright as well as all of us were talking about what could have happened, however when the heating, ventilation, as well as A/C professional arrived, he seemed absolutely cool as well as collected… He worked calmly checking all the connections to the AC condenser unit. He observed that it was restrained up pretty badly. He suspected the indoor heating, ventilation, as well as A/C unit would be similar as well. He was actually right, even the air filter was restrained as well as I was embarrassed about that. He was entirely calm as well as didn’t talk to me rudely. He simply explained how the heating, ventilation, as well as A/C plan has to have a particular flow of air pressure to operate as it is meant to. He said if the airflow is obstructed by a restrained air filter as well as a restrained condenser unit, you can expect trouble. He said this was what happened with our plan which boiled inevitably as well as it came to a violent end with smoking as well as sparks. He said the AC condenser had to be updated which was fancy, but he offered us some wonderful news. He said since he had the updatement unit already in his truck, he wasn’t going to charge me for emergency services, which was an immense relief!


Air cleaner