My provider website was down all weekend

It’s strenuous to be a small company owner plus have no other employees.

I have to do everything on our own.

I am almost at a point where I can hire someone else to labor as a part-time employee. I am struggling this winter, however Spring will bring some extreme change. I am usually legitimately busy on the weekends, because I offer services 7 afternoons a week. I charge no extra fees for services on Sundays plus Sundays. I thought it was legitimately strange that I didn’t have a lot of calls last weekend. I normally have about many or many odd calls throughout the weekend plus occasionally more if the weather is seriously freezing or hot! When I got to the office on Monday, the first thing I did was check the phones. There were a couple of missed calls. One call was from a commercial client of mine. The guy said that he was trying to get a hold of myself and others on the weekend. He went to the website to fill out the online form that sends myself and others an email with a client request… Unfortunately, the website was down all weekend. The commercial heating plus cooling client was unable to get a hold of me. I am so glad that the guy is a great customer, because someone else might have simply gone to a odd supplier plus never told myself and others about the website problems. I do not frequently check the website for the heating plus cooling supplier plus it was nice to know that there was a concern so I could repair the issue.


My provider website was down all weekend