My truck has such great HVAC!

I am so grateful for how cozy my vehicle is throughout the entire year. You have to understand that I commute back and forth to work and this time is about 2 hours out of my day five or six times a week. I live in a part of the country that has extreme weather throughout the year. I have a truck that is sturdy and reliable and has all sorts of bells and whistles. But I often think to myself that the most enjoyable thing about this truck is that it has such excellent heating and air conditioning. In the summer, the sun can be glaring and oppressive even as early as 7:00 in the morning as I’m heading to work! At that point, I simply put my sunglasses on and put down the little sunblockers on the roof of my truck and blast the air conditioning. It feels so nice to and from work that it is often a shock to have to step out of such a cool and refreshing truck into a hot and baking parking lot or even my own driveway at the end of the day. I’m also quite comfortable in the winter as I drive around in my vehicle. My heater is amazing. I always find myself feeling quite thankful when I take a look at the temperature on the thermostat on my dashboard. Just yesterday, it read a whopping 19° and there was snow whipping against my windshield. Despite all this, my truck was so warm that if you were blind you wouldn’t even suspect that it was winter outside! That’s the kind of quality vehicle I will always insist on buying!
