Saved big on heating this year

It’s not over but I can sort of see the light at the end of the tunnel. Of course, it’s snowed or iced in our region even well into April. So I’m not taking anything for granted. However, I can tell that the demand on the gas furnace is waning. That’s the part of the Winter that I love to see happen each year. But I have to say that this Winter has been so much more comfortable inside our home. And the heating costs have actually come down. Even though the utility company hiked the heating costs again this year, I saved almost 20 percent over last year when it came to heating. That is a significant savings for sure and I’m simply over the moon to be putting money back in my pocket. Usually at this time of year, I’m in full damage control mode to shore up the family budget after paying for all that heating. But thanks to the local HVAC company and just a bit of effort on my part, we enjoyed one of the most comfortable Winters ever and saved money. That’s the sort of double whammy that I love. All it took was for me to go online to get all the instruction I needed for winterizing my home. I replaced weather stripping and a couple of storm doors. I spent a couple of afternoons outside caulking and sealing any gap I could find on my house. There was some more insulation added to the attic and I finally found a heating leak due to improper insulation of one of our replacement windows. All of this didn’t take any sort of inordinate amount of time or energy. But wow, I can’t hardly believe these results from that effort.

