The beachside house had great heat

I suppose that I may have been hardwired to work hard. But there are genuinely times that I think I’m simply a product of a particular environment and generation. It felt that there was always an implied promise that if you do all of the right things the right thing will happen. So I spent a lot of time working in the commercial Heating plus Air Conditioning biz trying to do the right thing. I genuinely have no regrets when dealing with our ethics or our efforts. Yet I still ended up with a massive heart attack in our early 50s. It only got worse as a divorce soon followed. It kind of felt as if God and the universe were piling on. However just sitting inside the air conditioner of our rented apartment, I am coming to see it just does not matter. I did the best I could and tried to be thrilled. When I got back up and around, I mended our heart a bit by taking a sabbatical. All Winter season I spent in our beachside house in the woods by myself with the new love of our life. And that would be the new kitten I got once our marriage was over and I was out on our own. But that Winter season by myself was so interesting. It was good heating with a wood stove. But I was also blessed to have a new ductless heat pump when I would let the fire die out. It was wonderful to spend so much time alone and not be afraid to just lay in our feelings. I love that beachside house and I’m blissful that it was such a welcome sanctuary for me last Winter season.


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