The HVAC duct fell through

My coworkers and I had a coffee pot in the break room and everyone used to brew a pot in the afternoon.

We brewed 3 pots of coffee each afternoon.

There was one coffee pot for a while and then the office manager purchased one of those machines that can brew more than one pot of coffee at the same time. There were a couple of people that drank decaf and they were consistently complaining that there was never any fresh coffee. The break room had a couple of snack machines as well. One of the machines had strange flavors of soda like root beer, orange, sprite, and cola. We also had vending equipment that had strange snacks, such as popcorn, pretzels, chocolate bars, snack cakes, and gum. My coworkers and I were inside of the room one afternoon making coffee when hastily there was an unquestionably loud noise and a bunch of drywall fell right on top of us. There was a problem with the HVAC duct above the lights in the room and the HVAC duct fell through everything. The drywall, lights, and pieces of the HVAC duct and wood came tumbling down on top of my coworkers and I. I had a pretty sizable bruise on the back of my leg for almost 3 weeks. Luckily the company paid for me to take some time off work. They also paid for my coworkers to take some time off work as well while the construction crew fixed the HVAC duct complications. The entire floor of the building needed HVAC duct repairs. Everyone injured got a month of paid time off and everyone else only gained one week.



heat pump install