There are so many thermostat options to choose from

There are so many thermostat options to choose from these days.

I have worked at a cooling and heating company for many years now, and one of the most common questions I get is “which thermostat should I get?” The list of thermostats that my company offers is the wifi thermostat, the wireless thermostat, the digital thermostat, the Dial thermostat, and the Programmable thermostat.

With all of these options, making the right decision can be a challenge. To help the customer, I first ask them what HVAC units they have. If they have an HVAC unit that can connect to wifi or has a wireless system such as an advanced central air conditioner, a hybrid HVAC unit, or a whole home air purification system, I will recommend that they get a wireless thermostat. The wireless thermostats include the smart thermostat and some programmable thermostats. If the customer does not have any HVAC units like the ones mentioned, I would recommend an older style of thermostat like the dial thermostat and the digital thermostat. With these tips most HVAC customers that come into my cooling and heating business are able to find their perfect thermostat for temperature control in their home. After the customer has purchased their thermostat, we send them a local service man or a heating technician to install it. While the new types of thermostats like the smart thermostat and wireless thermostat are great, don’t forget about the old school dial thermostat and programmable thermostat. These oldies are reliable and still recommended by most HVAC technicians and heating technicians.


There are so many thermostat options to choose from