Waking up to great air quality

Before I could open my eyes, I could tell I was sleeping on clean bed sheets. The fabric softener was lovely but needed to be more familiar. I could smell eggs, freshly toasted bread, and ginger tea, just as I liked it. I had to be dreaming, but it was such a pleasant dream that I did not want to ruin it by opening my eyes. The sound of a spoon dropping prompted me to open my eyes. Something needed to be fixed. Nothing looked familiar, and a quick inspection revealed that I was in someone else’s clothes. Panic started to set in, and the next thing was a soft knock on the door and then footsteps. When I was aware of what was happening, I heard a man who was probably on the phone talking about a multi-split air conditioning system and that he was expecting an air conditioning technician in an hour. Had I been kidnapped, and why had I passed out again? He went on about the great thermostat and the wonders it was working together with his HVAC installation. It must have been because the high air quality was evident. I forgot about my situation for a second. I started wondering if the air conditioning provider had done the ductwork cleaning in our apartment building, not to mention the air conditioning repair. This man must take care of his quality HVAC equipment because if his conversation was anything to go by, he called the air conditioning company for HVAC maintenance twice a year. I barely remember replacing my ac filter, much less anything to do with the cooling industry. Or he was an a/c serviceman. Was that the sound of an air purifier that I had heard? This man knew more about air conditioning and sought-after quality air conditioner service. I was confused, and my body felt weak. When I finally managed to open my eyes, I was shocked to see an all too familiar face.


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