I don’t really have the desire to complain about the crazy automobile ride last night, as it seems like a fair amount of people like to complain & I don’t want to get myself into the habit as well.
Basically, we just had a frightening automobile ride back to our residence from the skiing trip on the mountain & it shook me up considerably.
We were going down the highway & the windshield, along with all of the windows in the car, fogged up to the point where you couldn’t see much of anything. We had to pull over, with the oil furnace on full blast, & were close to being hit by a semi trailer truck in the process. I guess it got all fogged up inside the automobile because the lot of us were all covered in snow when the lot of us got in & the snow melted from the Heating, Ventilation and A/C machine’s heating unit in the car. All of the windows fogged up very quickly & the defroster wasn’t doing much of anything to clear the windows. As soon as you wiped the window it would fog up again. We survived the incident unscathed & were back on the road with the windows opened a bit to keep the automobile from fogging up again. The Heating, Ventilation and A/C machine tech told us this would happen but we honestly didn’t guess it could happen so suddenly. Of course, he was right & next time the lot of us will honestly know to get the snow off of us before leaving in the car. The local business where the lot of us ate had some enjoyable central heating & the lot of us had a fantastic meal after the trip.