Author: Anna

There was a fire in the house

When my sister and I were young, we were woken up in the middle of the night by both of our parents screaming! A furnace had fallen over in the living room and the whole downstairs area was on fire, but we had to evacuate the house using the upstairs window, however I twisted my […]

Concerned about the fire in the house

When my sibling and I were young, we were woken up in the middle of the night by both of our parents screaming. A space heating system had fallen over in the family room and the whole downstairs area was on fire. We had to evacuate the home using the upstairs window, however I twisted […]

I am worried about the fire in the house

When my brother and I were young, we were woken up in the middle of the evening by both of our parents screaming! A space heater had fallen over in the living room and the whole downstairs space was on fire, and we had to evacuate the house using the upstairs window. I twisted my […]

Issues with hard water can be damaging to pipes

All of us have well water on the property and it can be seriously strenuous to use the water in our home. The hard water causes many different additional concerns. It disfigures all things that it touches. The water is heavy with calcium, lime, and also rest. These hard water problems cause stains to our […]

I wanted to clean up the kitchen

None of the weeks ago, I turned off the home office faucet so I could disinfect dishes. The water was tepid and there was steam coming from the sink. I could have entirely scalded both of my hands. I immediately headed down to the basement so I could look at the tepid water heater for […]

I hate the smell of the septic tank

Septic tank concerns are especially disgusting. My hubby and also myself recently noticed that many of our dreams were slow. It took our clawfoot tub a very long time to drain all of the water and then there was a soap scum ring left behind. This added directly to our cleaning tasks. At the same […]

The rental property needs some major plumbing updates

Remodeling the home office and also bathroom is one seriously and time-consuming project I own more than nine separate rental units. I always had very high hopes to make a great profit off of these rental units. I was respected for the fact that the rent would cover all of the mortgage payments. I needed […]