Author: Anna

New chapter begins with ductless heat pumps

The decision to leave for the south after retirement was not an easy one, leaving the extreme winter weather was the easy part. If I never see a gas boiler again, that’s not going to hurt my feelings. I can also do without snow & ice for the rest of my life as well. I […]

HVAC can make or break your job experience

I’m always reading professional articles online about getting new jobs in establishing a comfortable work environment. It turns out, your employees psychology is one of the most important factors in job satisfaction and therefore job performance. If you want your employees to be highly productive, reliable, and enthusiastic you really need to worry about the […]

Working at the trade school saves me money

When I was getting out of high school I really had no idea what I was going to do with my life. I wound up attending a four-year college and getting a degree in communications… Which effectively means that I got a useless degree which cost me a lot of money. After I graduated from […]

Social anxiety; I schedule online

I think that there has been a rapidly growing trend in our society to discuss our mental health issues. I, for one, I’m extremely glad that we’re finally opening up about the mental difficulties that many of us face on a daily basis. I spent most of my life hiding my depression and anxiety spells […]

My sister’s advertising campaign is working

Several years ago I jumped out of the 9-5 workforce and decided I was going back to school. It had been a long time since I studied anything or tried to fill my brain with new specialized knowledge. I was really nervous to be back in a learning environment with all of these young bucks […]

New guy installed thermostat backwards

Eventually, I realized the thermostat wiring had been connected backwards Sometimes I really worry about the people that I work with. They seem to be really good guys with everything under control in their lives until you look closer. Suddenly, you realize that these supposed professionals are actually alcoholics with terrible eating habits and no […]

Lady HVAC tech ripped intern a new one

I really hate the idea in our culture that women are supposed to be sweet, docile, and subservient. I’m really tired of people telling me that I am too direct and bossy for being a woman. I am also sick of anyone telling me that I need to smile in order for them to be […]

The central HVAC at home puts me right out

It’s a gift and a curse being a deep sleeper. I know plenty of people who have a really hard time falling asleep or staying asleep every night. I truly wouldn’t wish that on my worst enemy because it sounds terrible to me. At the same time, I don’t think that people understand how difficult […]

I love being on call

When people complain about being on call I have to say that I don’t understand what the problem is. Maybe I’m just an extremely flexible and helpful human being. It’s hard for me to say so, because I can’t comprehend anybody needing so much alone time that they would rather turn off their phone then […]