Author: Anna

Reasonable habits improve HVAC savings

Otherwise, the cost of running the air conditioning could quickly spiral out of control. This winter has flown by so quickly, it’s unbelievable. When I greeted October and the end of the extreme heat season, it seemed like only yesterday. By October, the days of the summer blast furnace are typically over, though we may […]

Improved HVAC adds value

It’s incredible that we were able to get 27 years out of the previous heat pump. Given that it wasn’t exactly top-of-the-line heating and cooling equipment, that is even more astounding. We were young and had just begun a family when we purchased this home. The key, without a doubt, was leaving our apartment. Our […]

My brother thinks he’s the best HVAC technician

My brother really thinks that he is the best HVAC technician in the world. I guess somewhere along the line, someone told him that he was fantastic. I am not saying that he is not a good HVAC technician; don’t get me wrong. I know that he knows a whole lot about furnaces and air […]

I was able to fix the air conditioning myself

I was able to fix the air conditioning myself last summer when it froze up. This was a huge deal for me, since I have never really been able to fix anything myself in my entire life. I have never been what you would call a handy kind of guy. I don’t even know how […]

How do I get critters out of my air duct?

There are regularly problems when you transfer into a modern house, but when I say “new” I mean “a modern arena to call home” not that the building was recently constructed, then this home is over 40 years old, but I still guess of it as my modern house. When a arena is this old, […]

The a/c was the nicest part

I have lived in this home for years, however only recently did I decide to start my first current home improvement project, however mostly this came from boredom, plus a desire to see if I could do it. I am not undoubtedly handy when it comes to current home repair. I thought I should start […]

How do I get critters out of our air duct?

There are always concerns when you transport into a up-to-date house, and when I say “new” I mean “a up-to-date location to call home” not that the building was recently constructed, however this beach house is over 40 years old, although I still think of it as our up-to-date house. When a location is this […]

I needed to be patient with the dehumidifier

I recently invested in a dehumidifier for my home. I live in a hot and humid state. In fact, it is the state that people think of when they think of hot and humid weather conditions, and I am in the hottest and wettest area of that state. Anyway, I saw it fit to invest […]

It's not quite the same as having a cooling system

I was recently waiting for a flight at the local international airport. It was going to be a fast trip: just an hour flight to hop a few states over. I was going to a sizable conference for my job. It’s an annual conference that I’ve come to enjoy, simply because it means about 6 […]

The new heating ideas changed our life

The new beachside house heating idea needed to be broken! Pat had an image as well as a reputation to uphold, but things were getting worse by the day. Pat was broke, although she had to keep up appearances. Pat had to spend love she used to. She could not show any sign of weakness. […]