Local heating dealer will feed the cats

I may be going off to another country next month to see my long lost brother and nephew.

I really don’t want to fly but I also really want to see them, so I think I will bite the bullet and book the flight to visit them.

My brother lives on the other side of the world, and so does my nephew, but they are coming to a country that is only a two hour flight from me so I think I should make the effort and go see them or I’ll regret not doing so. The local contractor in town said that she will take care of my cats while I’m gone and also turn on my climate control system as I don’t have a smart thermostat to do it for me. I just don’t want the flat getting too hot with these little cats inside because I know they don’t like it too hot in the home. With summer heating up I bet the temp would hit 90F plus if my air conditioner wasn’t running the whole time I will be gone. That would be too hot for my cats, so I think with the help of my friend it won’t be an issue for them. I may grab a smart thermostat when I return on the air conditioned plane and then I don’t have to worry about this anymore. I can program it to take care of the temp in my flat the whole time I leave on my next trip, something which the HVAC rep told me is a good selling point.


Heating corp

Electric heating device is on vaca

I don’t need any more heat in this flat right now with the weather being really hot outside.

I am keeping the drapes closed so that the sun doesn’t come into the flat and make it feel like a sauna here.

It will be hot for the next couple of months and I am fine with that because I know after that it is going to get really cold and dark in this town for about six months. The winter lasts pretty long here and this town is pretty empty during that time as the tourists are all gone. Local businesses barely stay afloat during the winter season and some local contractors just close up shop and move to somewhere cheaper for the winter. I will ride it out here with my lady and our cats, working mostly online during the winter to make ends meet. I am going to get a new electric heating device before winter hits, but for now I will just run the a/c unit to keep us cool in this place. I think I may end up just buying a whole new central device and not just fix the heat part of it. I bet the local contractor will have some good deals on the heating and cooling systems once the summer is winding down. That is when I like to shop for things because the demand goes down and the prices then follow. I just want a gas fireplace one day so we can have some fires in this building without calling the fire department.

hvac tech

Thermo teacher is cooling down

My old thermodynamics teacher finally threw in the towel and retired now that he is 82 years old.

I thought the guy would never retire but I guess he’d had enough of teaching the abstract class at my old UF school.

It is funny because the mascot for our college is the gator and this thermo teacher’s last name is Gater, no joke. That was the toughest engineering class that I had to take and I still don’t really know what it was all about. Calculus was bad enough, but thermo is a whole different level of confusion. Heating and cooling systems is what the class was all about, dealing with refrigeration and entropy, we even had to endure a second class of it once we survived the first class. I don’t think I would ever use what I learned from that class in a million years and am not sure why they offered it to us. My local contractor friend tried taking the class and quit engineering after failing the class three times, cooling down her plans to be an engineer like I was in The Valley in Cali. I only worked there a few years till I figured out that engineering wasn’t for me. I could still be there now, building heating and cooling equipment for commercial businesses and hating every minute of it. My old friends there used to count down the months and years till retirement, something which seems so crazy for me. The HVAC company where I work now is much more fun than the old HVAC system engineering gig.

Air conditioning supplier

Five degrees cooler now with air conditioner

I may even get around to cleaning my radiant heated floors if I have enough energy to do so

Today I am working from home, like I do everyday actually, but today is going to be a long day in the flat because it is raining out and I am a bit sick. I have my cats here to keep me company while I do my work and maybe even get a load of laundry done as my sheets need to be cleaned. I was sweating like crazy last night and now the sheets need to be washed so they smell nice and fresh again. Okay, I just went and dropped the laundry in the machine and my climate control system has now kicked on, cooling the flat down as the day is heating up. I will get my work done in an hour or two and then I am going to get the sheets dried in the dryer and make the bed again. I will turn on my mini split a/c system and cool the room down so I can take a nap in climate controlled luxury for a couple of hours. I think today I will just chill at home most of the day because I am a bit sick and don’t want to infect other people around me. It will just be me and my HVAC system, along with some company from my two cats. I will cook a good rice dinner tonight and have an easy night at home for a change. I may even get around to cleaning my radiant heated floors if I have enough energy to do so. Let’s see how it goes.


heat pump service

We will save money after the whole-apartment air purifier gets installed

We will save money on things like wax melts, candles, and air freshening sprays once my buddy and I get the air cleaner installed in our house.

Our apartment has been smelling undoubtedly bad for the past few weeks and I am undoubtedly sick of it. I don’t like it whenever my apartment doesn’t smell fresh and disinfect and I hate the fact that it smells bad on a correct basis. It’s all because of the fact that my hubby and my sons all work together doing grass care as a business. These men come in with the dirtiest clothes ever, and they are covered in sweat and other odory things. The fact that my buddy and I don’t get to run the laundry immediately means that the apartment gets smelled up and then their shoes are a whole other story! Their work boots and shoes smell to high heaven most of the time and then the terrible smell somehow gets into the air vents through the HVAC duct. It recycles around through the entire apartment and then my whole apartment smells like dirty feet. I literally cannot sit it anymore and that’s why I finally decided to call our local Heating, Ventilation, and A/C business to get their opinion. They are going to come and install a whole apartment air cleaner to run at the same time as the Heating, Ventilation, and A/C system. Once that gets installed, I am undoubtedly hopeful that everything starts to smell better around here! If that doesn’t work, it’s going to be undoubtedly taxing to get through the summer time without making these men transport out to the garage!
new heating units

I’m not worried about snakes because of our chilly A/C

When I learn that, I knew exactly what I needed to do

I’m not undoubtedly worried about snakes because of the chilly A/C in our house. I used to be super paranoid about snakes getting into our apartment because there are tons of snakes around here. My friends and neighbors are always finding snakes in their basements and in their garages during the summer time whenever the weather starts heating up. I don’t know why snakes want to come into garages and basements, however that’s what happens around here. Anyway, when I found out that they were finding snakes inside their homes in this area, I decided that I was going to have to do something. After all, if I found a snake inside of my house, there is just no way that I could live there anymore. I think that I would be so traumatized because of it that I could never go inside of the apartment ever again! Well, I did some research and I did my best to try and find out what would be a great deterrent for snakes. I found lots of different things online however the best advice I got was that snakes undoubtedly hate the cold. When I learn that, I knew exactly what I needed to do. I called up the local Heating, Ventilation, and A/C business and I had them come to our apartment and install the largest, most powerful cooling system in my basement that was humanly possible! Now my apartment is chilly cold, and I don’t worry about snakes anymore at all. I think that I might have to worry about penguins instead!

furnace/heater service

I get a headache whenever there isn’t A/C in the warm weather

I get a headache whenever there isn’t A/C in the warm weather that my buddy and I get around here. You would not think how warm it gets around here during the summer. Not only that, however the mugginess and the humidity is just terrible. It would not be so bad if it was just high temperatures, however the humidity is what makes it undoubtedly bad. Whenever it is just a dry heat, it’s not undoubtedly that big of an issue. But whenever it rains a little bit and then it gets undoubtedly hot, that is when you end up with the rainforest effect and you just feel like you’re dripping wet as soon as you walk outside. I hate that feeling more than just about anything, and I undoubtedly hate the fact that I get a headache whenever I get too hot. I cannot figure out why that is unless it’s the fact that I must get dehydrated or something when the weather is too warm outside. Any time that the temperature is over about 73 degrees, I need to just stay in the apartment if I don’t want to get a headache. Whenever my child plays baseball outside in the summer, I have to make sure that I am resting close to the parking lot so I can run and get in the vehicle between innings and blow the a/c on myself for a while. I know that sounds crazy, and I do not know several other people who are the same way that I am, but I have to cool off whenever I can or I get a poor headache.

Heating and cooling provider

I think it would be nice if there was A/C near our apartment field

I think that it would be undoubtedly nice if there was a place with A/C anywhere near our apartment baseball field.

I appreciate going to watch my youngsters play baseball, however with three boys, my buddy and I are there most of the summer.

They all play on different teams, and they all have a lot of games! In other words, my buddy and I basically live at our apartment field during the summer. It would be undoubtedly nice if there were anywhere that I could go and cool off a bit during some of the games or even in between games periodically. If there was a place that had a/c anywhere near the apartment field, I would go there all the time. The stores that are close by are places that I would ever go inside of, because they do not sell anything that I need. I mean, I am not gonna go and hang out inside of an auto parts store or anything like that just so I can start cooling off. The other place close by the field that has a/c is a tropical bird store. I don’t have a tropical bird, nor do I want one! Most of the time, I just end up going and resting in my vehicle and blasting the a/c in between games.I think I have run out a whole lot of gas because of my great need for a/c during the summer. I undoubtedly wish that there was some other way to get cooled off at the baseball field. Maybe someone will invent a portable cooling system.


Geo heat pump

Our local technical university has a great Heating, Ventilation, and A/C program

Our local technical university has a undoubtedly great Heating, Ventilation, and A/C program.

They have been running the same Heating, Ventilation, and A/C program for the past five years now, and they always get a undoubtedly great turnout with students.

There seems to be a whole lot of people these days who want to learn about the heating and cooling profession, and it’s nice to see that they always have a complete class roster at the university. I know that whenever they first started, they were sad that they would not have enough students to entirely run the class and make it profitable for the university. However, this has not been the case at all the whole time that they have been in business. I was on the payroll when they first started because I was going to teach a class there, however then I ended up working in administration instead. I undoubtedly loved my job at the technical university, and to be honorablewith you, the class that entirely keeps the place in business is the heating and cooling class. At this point, my buddy and I always have a waiting list for the Heating, Ventilation, and A/C program, and people from all over the place come to our technical university to get certified there. It’s undoubtedly nice to have such a great program with great Heating, Ventilation, and A/C instructors. I’m undoubtedly happy to be a part of such a great community university. I think that it’s awesome that my buddy and I are turning out high quality Heating, Ventilation, and A/C professionals through each and every class session. My friend and I never knew that my buddy and I would end up being so great for the community.


space heater for sale

I don’t know what the smell is that is coming from the A/C vents

I don’t know what the smell is that is coming from the A/C vents, however it undoubtedly has to go! Usually I do not undoubtedly notice any bad smells around my house, however recently something has entirely been going on inside of the ventilation ducts in the house.

  • I know that it has to be something inside of the ventilation ducts, since I only smell the poor smell whenever the cooling system kicks on.

The rest of the time the apartment smells just fine. I know that everyone will genuinely say that I might as well just leave the cooling system turned off, however that is not an option for me because the weather has undoubtedly started heating up around here lately. There is no way that I am able to get anything done around here if I do not have any a/c. I’m just not that kind of guy. I am still not done with most of the things that I need to get done around here for the summer, but I haven’t felt like doing them because I don’t want to run the a/c. It’s poor to have a undoubtedly great Heating, Ventilation, and A/C system however then you don’t want to use it because of the odors. I’m going to have to pay to get the HVAC duct cleaned out professionally, I guess. I am going to look around and see what kinds of deals they have going on at the Heating, Ventilation, and A/C companies around here this month. There have to be a couple of them that are offering some HVAC duct cleaning specials.



Heating tune up

There was a bad surprise in our A/C system this year

Whenever my buddy and I turned on the A/C system for the first time this year, my buddy and I found a bad surprise! I could not think my eyes when I went down to the basement to see what in the world was going on with the A/C system the other morning. It was the first time that my buddy and I had turned on the A/C for the year, and there was something going on. I noticed that there was a weird odor coming from the air vents, and I also heard a weird sound coming from the basement. I had not been down there in a while and so I grabbed a flashlight and I ran down the stairs to check it out. It turned out that there was something way worse than I thought going on down there! Somehow, over the winter season when my buddy and I were not using the cooling system at all, a family of raccoons had decided that it was a great place to live. They were all living inside of our cooling system and there was a great big nest of leaves and sticks and all kinds of things piled up inside of the A/C system casing. I could not think it. I did not undoubtedly even know what to do at that point, either! I just wanted to get my a/c to come on and start cooling down my house. However, the problem was that I didn’t know whether to call the Heating, Ventilation, and A/C business first or the extermination business first! Also, I didn’t want to kill the racoons, really. I just wanted to get them out of my house.


ductless mini split

We didn’t have A/C in our house

We didn’t have A/C in our apartment when I was growing up, and it was something that I undoubtedly hated about my life back then.

My parents always said that they did not think that my buddy and I undoubtedly needed to have a/c in our apartment in order to be happy.

Well, let me tell you, to a teenager growing up in the southern part of the country, it would have been undoubtedly nice to have some a/c during the summers! I think that I genuinely would have been a whole lot happier if my buddy and I had a/c when I was growing up. And even if I had not been happier, then I entirely would have been a whole lot more comfortable! I remember covered in sweat myself crazy up there in my top floor study room on warm summer time mornings, wishing that my buddy and I had central a/c in the apartment the same way that most of my friends did. It was terrible, in my opinion. I would go and sleep over at my friends’ houses all the time during the summers, just so that I could get out of my sweatbox of a house. My parents never understood why I wanted to leave apartment so much during the summertime however that was why. I couldn’t sit how warm it was in our house. Now that I have my own home, I make sure that the central cooling system is always the truly best one available. I think that it’s my number one part of owning a apartment of my truly own.



Cooling products