The AC saved 10 puppies

Sometimes I have to believe that there is a higher power out there, pulling some strings and making sure that we end up exactly where we’re supposed to be.

  • I have had too many strange happenings in my life to call it circumstance or coincidence.

I happen to believe that the Universe has a plan for everybody, and it creates the situations that we need. I know, that sounds like a lot of flowery woo-woo talk… But it even applies things as mundane as my central heating and cooling system. You see, when I was first moving into town I knew that I wanted to find a place with a semi new air conditioning system. I had heard awful stories about the heat and humidity in that region and I definitely didn’t want to be operating a busted air conditioning unit all summer long. I knew how expensive my energy bills would be if I didn’t find a rental with a high-quality air conditioning system already installed. I made sure to get the AC unit checked out by a professional HVAC technician before I even signed the lease. That’s why I was blown away a few weeks later when I was hanging out at home and the air conditioning randomly stopped blowing through my vents. Clearly, there was an issue with the AC unit out of nowhere. Needless to say, I was pretty livid about the air conditioning breakdown. That is, until I walked out back and tried to inspect the AC unit myself. Tucked behind the massive HVAC equipment was an unexpected surprise that I wouldn’t have found otherwise. A litter of 10 puppies had been abandoned behind my central AC unit. As soon as I brought them indoors, my AC started working again. If it wasn’t for my spontaneous air conditioning breakdown, who knows what would have happened to those sweet babies.

geo heat pump

I love being on call

When people complain about being on call I have to say that I don’t understand what the problem is.

Maybe I’m just an extremely flexible and helpful human being.

It’s hard for me to say so, because I can’t comprehend anybody needing so much alone time that they would rather turn off their phone then go help another human.That’s why, I found the perfect career for myself when I became an emergency heating and cooling technician. When I was first attending my HVAC certification classes at the local trade school, I remember them talking about how stressful it could be if you wound up taking overnight shifts for emergency HVAC repair services. At the time, I was actually terrified of these emergency appointments because I didn’t have the confidence in my own heating and cooling repairs bills. After a few years on the job as a residential HVAC technician, however, I felt like I was prepared to take on the difficult night shift. I became our residential on call air quality control specialist for all emergency appointments and service repairs. I have to say, this is my favorite job of all times. All night, I wait for people to need me, so I never feel bored or alone. I don’t mind occupying myself and waiting for the emergency repair calls to come in. Most of the time, I have the evening to myself without interruption. Every once in a while when somebody does need an emergency HVAC repair, I’m even happier. Then, I get to be the hero who fixes their HVAC system in their darkest hour.


link to website

She didn’t use the ventilation fan in the bathroom

Sometimes I’m amazed by the people my age in the stupid things that they do.

Clearly, a lot of them have not had to support themselves in the past or be very mindful of their own finances.

A lot of them haven’t figured out very basic things like how to grocery shop, how to take care of indoor appliances, or how to keep mold and mildew from completely overthrowing your indoor space. This was the case when it came to my recent roommate who completely destroyed our apartment while I was gone thanks to muggy indoor air and ignorance of overhead ventilation fans. I guess that my roommate had started listening to a podcast where they recommended opening your windows for a certain amount of time every day, even in the middle of a hot and humid summer. They said it was critical to get fresh air into your home, and enjoy natural ventilation for the sake of your respiratory house. Of course, my stupid roommate believes that this was true and began opening our windows even though the air conditioning system was running. At the same time, she would often go take a shower to start her day. Apparently, besides having no understanding of how central AC systems work, she also didn’t know how overhead ventilation fans work in a bathroom. She never turned on the powerful bathroom ventilation system while she was taking a hot and steamy shower in our hot and steamy apartment. As a result, she managed to foster the growth of a field of dark mildew and mold. When I got back into town after two weeks visiting my parents, I found a biomedical disaster waiting for me. Not to mention the terrible energy bill that she created.

cooling and heating business

Uncle insisted that Google didn’t know; hired professional HVAC service

Sometimes it’s really difficult to deal with the older generation.

I don’t like to cast this judgment on everyone, because I’m sure there are plenty of older folks who are extremely capable and technologically savvy.

However, my family members are not those people. Every time someone is having a minor issue with any sort of technology, they want help but also refuse to listen to the advice that I gave. Recently, this is what was happening with my uncle when his central HVAC system broke down. He had the central cooling system installed in his house about 10 years ago. At that time, every home appliance that you purchased came with a sturdy manual which was supposed to provide all details for troubleshooting and repairing the expensive equipment. Of course, my uncle had misplaced his air conditioning user manual a decade earlier. He wanted my help and troubleshooting the AC problems, and I was more than happy to lend a hand with his air quality conundrum. The problem was, he refused to listen to everything that I said because I didn’t have the AC user manual. No matter how many times I told him that Google was able to provide the answer to these air conditioning issues, he didn’t believe me. I tried to show him that I had looked up the exact same user manual for his cooling device online, but he insisted that it couldn’t be the same thing. After a few hours of this I gave up and went back home to enjoy my own air conditioning system. My uncle eventually called out a central heating and cooling technician to repair the broken AC unit. Wouldn’t you know, the expert HVAC technician pulled out his phone and used Google to find all the system information he needed.

hepa filter

Too expensive to sleep together, so we split up

When people talk about all of the incompatibilities that are extremely important to determine before you marry somebody, I don’t think they’ve ever mentioned indoor air temperature preferences before.

I know, it’s very common for people to recommend that you make sure you have the same plans for building a family and the bank account.

You don’t want to wind up with somebody who refuses to have children or insists on spending all of your hard-earned cash if you have a different plan in mind. That makes a lot of sense to me. However, nobody ever told me that heating and cooling devices could also bring about the end of your marriage. I found out the hard way when my husband and I refused to live together until after the big wedding day. As soon as we started moving our things into the same home, it became apparent that we had very different opinions when it came to indoor air quality. During the day, he was always burning hot and I was always freezing cold. I wanted to run the furnace and he wanted to run the air conditioning unit during the same period of time. It got even more complicated at night because I enjoy the air conditioning system running at full blast. Meanwhile, he preferred to have the windows open or to have a space heater blowing directly on his face for a restful night of sleep. We began struggling to sleep in the same bed and at some point we even tried operating the heater and an air conditioner in the same room to overcome our air temperature preference differences. In the end, it was just too uncomfortable and expensive to deal with our inherent air quality mismatch. We got divorced last year. It was less expensive than the energy bills were.


cooling representative

The central HVAC at home puts me right out

It’s a gift and a curse being a deep sleeper. I know plenty of people who have a really hard time falling asleep or staying asleep every night. I truly wouldn’t wish that on my worst enemy because it sounds terrible to me. At the same time, I don’t think that people understand how difficult it can be when you chronically fall asleep and can’t be stirred. Apparently, I am the sort of person who can be literally shaken without ever waking up. My bigger problem is how easily I can fall asleep as long as I’m in the right air conditions. Literally. Since I was a kid, I have always slept in the room that was closest to the central cooling system. I remember many hot and humid summer nights when I would lie in my bed and listen to the air conditioning equipment turn on and off until I fell asleep. Apparently, this association between sleep and air conditioning effectively rooted itself in my brain and body. To this day, I struggle to fall asleep unless I have a large HVAC device nearby. The background sound that it provides immediately lulls me into a deep and restful slumber. The only issue is, I can’t turn off my sleep response when I hear a central HVAC system chugging along in the background. The moment that I get home each day, I’m almost guaranteed to pass out on the couch when the AC system kicks into gear. For the rest of the night, my family can’t seem to wake me up… Unless they turn off the central cooling system and torture themselves with hot indoor air.



Now we’re prepared for the pilot light

About a year ago I was living with a couple of friends out of a desperate situation.

I didn’t have anywhere else to go so I wound up at their house like a homeless people animal one day.

As such, I wasn’t in a position to complain about their home, their cleanliness, or their heating and cooling mishaps. Several times during my stay there, we had issues with the energy bills and the central air quality control management system. There were a few occasions when I woke up to find that there was absolutely no air conditioning in the house in the middle of the summer. When I would ask them about the thermostat settings, they would nonchalantly reply that they had failed to pay the energy bill that month. In the summertime, I could generally get by with open windows and natural ventilation. And then, winter came. The brutal outdoor air temperatures that we experience throughout winter are nothing to sneeze at. You absolutely need to have a central heating device to keep your family comfortable and safe. Unfortunately, they were no better about the HVAC system in cold weather than in warm temperatures. One day, I woke up and found that there was absolutely no heating in the house. They kept insisting that they had actually paid the energy company this time, so we needed a professional HVAC technician to come out and inspect the broken furnace. Of course, we couldn’t get a heating and cooling professional at the house for at least 3 days. On the 4th day, after the air quality control specialist arrived, we found out that the furnace had been fine all along. In fact, the pilot light had gone out. After days of ice cold torture, we could have easily fixed the central heating device ourselves. I probably would have inspected it if I had believed that they paid the energy bill.



New guy installed temperature control backwards

Sometimes I really worry about the people that I labor with.

They seem to be really fantastic guys with everything under control in their lives until you look closer.

Suddenly, you realize that these supposed professionals are undoubtedly alcoholics with awful eating habits and no idea how to live a functional life. At the same time, they report to labor everyday and give other people advice about functional indoor residing. You see, I labor at a local heating, cooling, and air quality control dealership in a challenging part of town. My pal and I are regularly repairing busted heating and cooling systems, replacing broken air conditioner units, and upgrading outdated heaters. I cherish my labor and I do not have any concern with the indoor air handling control industry, itself. However, the other certified heating, cooling, and ventilation professionals definitely challenged me at times. Sometimes my friend and I have to labor together on sizable residential HVAC repairs or installation tasks. These are the times that I believe my co-workers might be incapable of maintaining their own lives, let alone high-quality air handling devices. Recently my friend and I were on a routine installation task when the brand new heating and cooling system seemed to immediately be on the fritz. When my friend and I adjusted the temperature control up to the temperature went down. When my friend and I turned the temperature down the heater started up. My pal and I spent hours trying to complicationshoot the brand new heater and air conditioner component to figure out what was going wrong, but eventually, I realized the temperature control wiring had been attached backwards. All along, it wasn’t the HVAC devices that were faulty… It was my co-worker.
oil furnace

Social anxiety; I schedule online

I believe that there has been a swiftly growing trend in our humanity to discuss our mental health concerns.

I, for one, I am harshly delighted that we’re finally opening up about the mental difficulties that multiple of us face on a weekly basis.

I spent most of my life hiding my depression and anxiety spells from my peers because they were not satisfactory to discuss in public. I’ve regularly felt like it was unfair that I could not tell people how I really was feeling in order to explain some of my unusual actions! For instance, I am harshly socially nervous and I love to be alone as much as possible, but sometimes this offends people and I can’t tell them about my mental disorder, however recently, I’ve been truly delighted that every industry has been making a larger effort for remote, online interactions. This is true all the way down to my heating, cooling, and ventilation specialists; Obviously, when you call an HVAC service shop you are going to have a heating and cooling professional arrive at your house. You will have to interact with them as they navigate to your central heating and cooling systems looking for broken parts and inefficiencies; However, it turns out that my local HVAC service shop has been instituting new ways to schedule your routine HVAC service appointments and emergency service services. I can get online and request heating and cooling appointments without speaking to a single human on the PC; Besides that, my HVAC professional will perform the heating and cooling services advocated without requiring social interactions on the task. This week, I can schedule, pay, and review my HVAC repairs undoubtedly online. And that’s a sizable help for my mental and respiratory health.
air conditioning worker

Social anxiety; I schedule online

I guess that there has been a abruptly growing trend in our humanity to discuss our mental health problems.

I, for one, I am harshly blissful that we are finally opening up about the mental difficulties that many of us face on a yearly basis.

I spent most of my life hiding my depression and anxiety spells from my peers because they were not acceptable to discuss in public. I have always felt like it was unfair that I couldn’t tell people how I absolutely was feeling in order to explain some of my odd actions, but for instance, I am harshly socially distraught and I care about to be alone as much as possible! Periodically this offends people and I cannot tell them about my mental disorder! Recently, I have been entirely blissful that every industry has been making a larger effort for remote, online interactions. This is true all the way down to my heating, cooling, and ventilation specialists… Obviously, when you call an Heating and A/C repair shop you are going to have a heating and cooling professional arrive at your house. You will have to interact with them as they navigate to your central heating and cooling systems looking for broken parts and inefficiencies, however, it turns out that my local Heating and A/C repair shop has been instituting new ways to schedule your routine Heating and A/C maintenance appointments and emergency repair services. I can get online and request heating and cooling appointments separate from speaking to a single human on the iPhone! Besides that, my Heating and A/C professional will perform the heating and cooling services advised separate from requiring social interactions on the task. This week, I can schedule, pay, and review my Heating and A/C repairs absolutely online. And that’s a large help for my mental and respiratory health.

cooling products

My brother’s advertising campaign is laboring

Several years ago I jumped out of the 9-5 workforce & decided I was going back to school; It had been a long time since I studied anything or tried to fill my brain with current specialized comprehension.

  • I was really upset to be back in a learning environment with all of these young bucks as competition… You see, I decided I was going to become a certified heating, cooling, & air quality control specialist rather late in life.

I didn’t want to sit at a desk anymore & the idea of becoming a residential Heating, Ventilation, & A/C worker was quite charming. It would only take two years to obtain my heating & cooling certification at which point I could toil for any local air quality control dealership for reliable income. I honestly passed all of my central heating, cooling, & ventilation repair courses & graduated at the top of my class from the local trade school. I was severely cheerful with this development until I got into the heating & cooling industry itself. I abruptly realized that I didn’t care about laboring for my Heating, Ventilation, & A/C repair shop. I decided to open my own Heating, Ventilation, & A/C dealership so I could be the boss of these young heating & cooling Hooligans, and the only problem was, I needed help advertising my current Heating, Ventilation, & A/C business. That’s when I called in my brother & his friends. I had t-shirts made up with our Heating, Ventilation, & A/C logo plastered right across the chest. My younger brother & his friends have been wearing my Heating, Ventilation, & A/C merchandise for multiple weeks now.., but and corporation has been booming. Maybe I am not the youngest Heating, Ventilation, & A/C worker in town, although I am wise with age.


boiler repair

Uncle insisted that Google didn’t know; hired professional Heating and Air Conditioning service

Sometimes it’s truly hard to deal with the older generation.

I hate to cast this judgment on everyone, because I’m sure there are plenty of older folks who are seriously capable and technologically savvy.

However, my family members are not those people, then every time someone is having a minor issue with any sort of technology, they want help but also refuse to listen to the advice that I gave. Recently, this is what was happening with my uncle when his central Heating and Air Conditioning system broke down. He had the central cooling system installed in his home about 10 years ago. At that time, every home appliance that you bought came with a sturdy manual which was supposed to give all details for complicationshooting and repairing the luxurious equipment. Of course, my uncle had misplaced his a/c user manual a decade earlier. He wanted my help and complicationshooting the A/C problems, and I was more than delighted to lend a hand with his air quality conundrum. The complication was, he refused to listen to everything that I said because I did not have the A/C user manual; No matter how more than 2 times I told him that Google was able to give the answer to these a/c troubles, he did not know me. I tried to show him that I had looked up the exact same user manual for his cooling unit online, although he insisted that it could not be the same thing. After a few hours of this I gave up and went back home to care about my own air conditioner. My uncle eventually called out a central heating and cooling serviceman to repair the broken A/C unit. Wouldn’t you know, the expert Heating and Air Conditioning serviceman pulled out his iphone and used Google to find all the system information he needed.

hybrid heating