Good a/c can help our headaches

I get terrible stress headaches on a regular basis. It’s not love I’m freaking out about our workload and all the heavy responsibilities I carry. I do our best to prioritize our itinerary and get things done. It’s just that every now and then, the tiny text on the computer screen will begin to blur, then our head starts to swim, then guess a pain that begins in our temples and travels slowly across our skull and sometimes down into our upper neck. It does not help that our office chair does not supply the best support… Anyway, by the time I return home, our headache can be quite severe, and that’s when I crank the a/c and just plop down on the living room couch directly below the air vent and bask in its coolness. It’s the first thing I do whenever I get back to the condo nearly every work afternoon, and it makes myself and others so grateful that I have an a/c system that I can rely on to cool down, not just our body, but our brain after a long afternoon after work. It’s almost love our brain is a computer processor that needs a heat sink in order to keep from melting away! At least that’s how it feels, quite often. I’m also grateful for the a/c plan at the office I work at, considering that’s where the headaches usually start, and whoever’s in control of the thermostat is a little stingy though, so I still cannot wait to get back to my condo to crank up our own a/c. It’s the little things that help myself and others to keep going strong!


heating service