If it is something I could use to improve my own heating and a/c in some way I usually buy it when I can afford to
No matter what happens in this world one thing is for sure, and that is heating and a/c will be around forever! Or as long as the earth exists, and heating and a/c is something that we all have become accustomed to in the last 40 years or so, especially in this country it is hard to live without heating and a/c because of having it available for so long. Our bodies rely on it, but more so in the southern areas where it gets super hot in the summer months of the year and most of the entire year, a/c is needed to even survive out there. Heating and a/c technology will continue to advance in some way. Even if it is only a little bit every few years, I can not see any major advancements in heating and a/c technology in the near future because of all the advanced thermostats and other pieces of heat and a/c devices we have had introduced to us in the last 15 years. Heating and a/c is here to stay no matter what. And I will always be there to see what the latest and greatest is in heat and cooling technology. If it is something I could use to improve my own heating and a/c in some way I usually buy it when I can afford to. Even if I have to take out a loan to get it. Heating and a/c is what makes this world go round in my honest opinion!